1. Introduction

Notation. Let F F be a p p -adic field, given either as a finite field extension of Q p \mathbb {Q}_p , or as the field F = F q ( ( t ) ) F=\mathbb {F}_q((t)) . Let F q \mathbb {F}_q (a finite field with q q elements and characteristic p p ) be the residue field of F F . Let F ¯ \bar F be a fixed algebraic closure of F F . Let F u n F^{un} be the maximal unramified extension of F F in F ¯ \bar F . For simplicity, we also assume that the characteristic of F F is not 2 2 .

The fundamental lemma pertains to groups that satisfy a series of hypotheses. Here is the first.

Assumption 1.1

G G is a connected reductive linear algebraic group that is defined over F F .

The following examples give the F F -points of three different families of connected reductive linear algebraic groups: orthogonal, symplectic, and unitary groups.

Example 1.2

Let M ( n , F ) M(n,F) be the algebra of n n by n n matrices with coefficients in F F . Let J M ( n , F ) J\in M(n,F) be a symmetric matrix with nonzero determinant. The special orthogonal group with respect to the matrix J J is

SO ( n , J , F ) = { X M ( n , F )   |   t X J X = J , det ( X ) = 1 } . \operatorname {SO}(n,J,F) = \{ X \in M(n,F) {\ \vert \ }{{}^t}X J X = J,\quad \operatorname {det}(X)=1\}.

Example 1.3

Let J M ( n , F ) J\in M(n,F) , with n = 2 k n=2k , be a skew-symmetric matrix t J = J {{}^t}J = -J with nonzero determinant. The symplectic group with respect to J J is defined in a similar manner:

Sp ( 2 k , J , F ) = { X M ( 2 k , F )   |   t X J X = J } . \operatorname {Sp}(2k,J,F) = \{ X \in M(2k,F) {\ \vert \ }{{}^t}X J X = J \}.

Example 1.4

Let E / F E/F be a separable quadratic extension. Let x ¯ \bar x be the Galois conjugate of x E x\in E with respect to the nontrivial automorphism of E E fixing F F . For any A M ( n , E ) A\in M(n,E) , let A ¯ \bar A be the matrix obtained by taking the Galois conjugate of each coefficient of A A . Let J M ( n , E ) J\in M(n,E) satisfy t J ¯ = J {{}^t}{\bar J} = J and have a nonzero determinant. The unitary group with respect to J J and E / F E/F is

U ( n , J , F ) = { X M ( n , E )   |   t X ¯ J X = J } . U(n,J,F) = \{X \in M(n,E) {\ \vert \ }{{}^t}{\bar X} J X = J\}.

The algebraic groups S O ( n , J ) SO(n,J) , S p ( 2 k , J ) Sp(2k,J) , and U ( n , J ) U(n,J) satisfy Assumption 1.1.

Assumption 1.5

G G splits over an unramified field extension.

That is, there is an unramified extension F 1 / F F_1/F such that G × F F 1 G\times _F F_1 is split.

Example 1.6

In the first two examples above (orthogonal and symplectic), if we take J J to have the special form

(1.6.1) J = ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) \begin{equation} J = \begin{pmatrix} 0&0&*\\ 0&*&0\\ {*}&0&0 \end{pmatrix} \tag{1.6.1}\cssId{eqn:cross}{} \end{equation}

(that is, nonzero entries from F F along the cross-diagonal and zeros elsewhere), then G G splits over F F . In the third example (unitary), if J J has this same form and if E / F E/F is unramified, then the unitary group splits over the unramified extension E E of F F .

Assumption 1.7

G G is quasi-split.

This means that there is an F F -subgroup B G B\subset G such that B × F F ¯ B\times _F\bar F is a Borel subgroup of G × F F ¯ G\times _F\bar F .

Example 1.8

In all three cases (orthogonal, symplectic, and unitary), if J J has the cross-diagonal form 1.6.1, then G G is quasi-split. In fact, we can take the points of B B to be the set of upper triangular matrices in G ( F ) G(F) .

Assumption 1.9

K K is a hyperspecial maximal compact subgroup of G ( F ) G(F) , in the sense of Definition 1.11.

Example 1.10

Let O F O_F be the ring of integers of F F and let K = G L ( n , O F ) K = GL(n,O_F) . This is a hyperspecial maximal compact subgroup of G L ( n , F ) GL(n,F) .

Definition 1.11

K K is hyperspecial if there exists G \mathcal {G} such that the following conditions are satisfied.

  • G \mathcal {G} is a smooth group scheme over O F O_F ,

  • G = G × O F F G = \mathcal {G}\times _{O_F} F ,

  • G × O F F q \mathcal {G}\times _{O_F} \mathbb {F}_q is reductive,

  • K = G ( O F ) K = \mathcal {G}(O_F) .

Example 1.12

In all three examples (orthogonal, symplectic, and unitary), take G G to have the form of Example 1.6. Assume that each cross-diagonal entry is a unit in the ring of integers. Assume further that the residual characteristic is not 2 2 . Then the equations

t X J X = J ( or in the unitary case  t X ¯ J X = J ) {{}^t}X J X = J\quad (\text{or in the unitary case } {{}^t}{\bar X} J X = J)

define a group scheme G \mathcal {G} over O F O_F , and G ( O F ) \mathcal {G}(O_F) is hyperspecial.