4. Cartan subgroups

All unramified reductive groups are classified by their root data. This includes the classification of unramified tori T T as a special case (in this case, the set of roots and the set of coroots are empty):

( X ( T ) , X ( T ) , , , σ ) . (X^*(T),X_*(T),\emptyset ,\emptyset ,\sigma ).

We can extend this classification to ramified tori. If T T is any torus over F F , it is classified by

( X ( T ) , X ( T ) , ρ ) , (X^*(T),X_*(T),\rho ),

where ρ \rho is now allowed to be any homomorphism

ρ : Gal ( F ¯ / F ) Aut ( X ( T ) ) \rho :\operatorname {Gal}(\bar F/F)\to \operatorname {Aut}(X^*(T))

with finite image.

A basic fact is that T T embeds over F F as a Cartan subgroup in a given unramified reductive group G G if and only if the following two conditions hold.

  • The image of ρ \rho in Aut ( X ( T ) ) \operatorname {Aut}(X^*(T)) is contained in W ( Φ G ) σ G W(\Phi _G)\rtimes \langle \sigma _G\rangle .

  • There is a commutative diagram:

Gal ( F ¯ / F ) Gal ( F u n / F ) ρ Frob σ G W ( Φ G ) σ G w τ τ σ G . \begin{equation*} \begin{CD} \operatorname {Gal}(\bar F/F)@>>>\operatorname {Gal}(F^{un}/F)\\@V\rho VV @VV{\operatorname {Frob}\mapsto \sigma _G}V\\W(\Phi _G)\rtimes \langle \sigma _G\rangle @>>w\rtimes \tau \mapsto \tau > \langle \sigma _G\rangle . \end{CD} \end{equation*}

It follows that every Cartan subgroup T H T_H of H H is isomorphic over F F with a Cartan subgroup T G T_G of G G . (To check this, simply observe that these two conditions are more restrictive for H H than the corresponding conditions for G G .) The isomorphism can be chosen to induce an isomorphism of Galois modules between the character group (and cocharacter group) of T H T_H and that of T G T_G .

We say that a semisimple element in a reductive group is strongly regular, if its centralizer is a Cartan subgroup. If γ H ( F ) \gamma \in H(F) is strongly regular semisimple, then its centralizer T H T_H is isomorphic to some T G G T_G\subset G . Let γ 0 T G ( F ) G ( F ) \gamma _0\in T_G(F)\subset G(F) be the element in G ( F ) G(F) corresponding to γ T H ( F ) H ( F ) \gamma \in T_H(F)\subset H(F) , under this isomorphism.

Remark 4.1

The element γ 0 \gamma _0 is not uniquely determined by γ \gamma . The Cartan subgroup T G T_G can always be replaced with a conjugate g 1 T G g g^{-1}\,T_G\,g , g G ( F ) g\in G(F) , without altering the root data. However, the non-uniqueness runs deeper than this. An example will be worked in Section 8.1 to show how to deal with the problem of non-uniqueness. Non-uniqueness of γ 0 \gamma _0 is related to stable conjugacy, which is our next topic.