5. Stable Conjugacy

Definition 5.1

Let δ \delta and δ \delta ' be strongly regular semisimple elements in G ( F ) G(F) . They are conjugate if g 1 δ g = δ g^{-1}\delta g = \delta ' for some g G ( F ) g\in G(F) . They are stably conjugate if g 1 δ g = δ g^{-1}\delta g = \delta ' for some g G ( F ¯ ) g\in G(\bar F) .

Example 5.2

Let G = S L ( 2 ) G= SL(2) and F = Q p F=\mathbb {Q}_p . Assume that p 2 p\ne 2 and that u u is a unit that is not a square in Q p \mathbb {Q}_p . Let ϵ = u \epsilon = \sqrt {u} in an unramified quadratic extension of Q p \mathbb {Q}_p . We have the matrix calculation

( 1 + p 1 2 p + p 2 1 + p ) ( ϵ 0 0 ϵ 1 ) = ( ϵ 0 0 ϵ 1 ) ( 1 + p u 1 ( 2 p + p 2 ) u 1 + p ) . \begin{pmatrix} 1+p&1\\ 2p+p^2&1+p \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} \epsilon &0\\ 0&\epsilon ^{-1} \end{pmatrix}= \begin{pmatrix} \epsilon &0\\ 0&\epsilon ^{-1} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 1+p&u^{-1}\\ (2p+p^2)u&1+p \end{pmatrix}.

This matrix calculation shows that the matrices

(5.2.1) ( 1 + p 1 2 p + p 2 1 + p )  and  ( 1 + p u 1 ( 2 p + p 2 ) u 1 + p ) \begin{equation} \begin{pmatrix} 1+p&1\\ 2p+p^2&1+p \end{pmatrix}\text{ and } \begin{pmatrix} 1+p&u^{-1}\\ (2p+p^2)u&1+p \end{pmatrix} \tag{5.2.1}\cssId{eqn:2matrix}{} \end{equation}

of S L ( 2 , Q p ) SL(2,\mathbb {Q}_p) are stably conjugate. The diagonal matrix that conjugates one to the other has coefficients that lie in a quadratic extension. A short calculation shows that the matrices 5.2.1 are not conjugate by a matrix of S L ( 2 , Q p ) SL(2,\mathbb {Q}_p) .

5.1. Cocycles

Let γ 0 \gamma _0 and γ \gamma ' be stably conjugate strongly regular semisimple elements of G ( F ) G(F) . We view γ 0 \gamma _0 as a fixed base point and γ \gamma ' as variable. If τ Gal ( F ¯ / F ) \tau \in \operatorname {Gal}(\bar F/F) , then

(5.2.2) g 1 γ 0 g = γ , ( with  g G ( F ¯ ) , γ 0 , γ G ( F ) ) τ ( g ) 1 τ ( γ 0 ) τ ( g ) = τ ( γ ) , τ ( g ) 1 γ 0 τ ( g ) = g 1 γ 0 g , γ 0 ( τ ( g ) g 1 ) = ( τ ( g ) g 1 ) γ 0 , γ 0 a τ = a τ γ 0 ,  with  a τ = τ ( g ) g 1 . \begin{equation} \begin{array}{lll} g^{-1}\gamma _0 g &= \gamma ', (\text{with } g\in G(\bar F), \gamma _0,\gamma '\in G(F))\\\tau (g)^{-1}\tau (\gamma _0) \tau (g) &= \tau (\gamma '),\\\tau (g)^{-1}\gamma _0\tau (g) &= g^{-1}\gamma _0 g,\\\gamma _0 \left ( \tau (g)g^{-1}\right ) &= \left (\tau (g)g^{-1}\right ) \gamma _0,\\\gamma _0 a_\tau = a_\tau \gamma _0, \text{ with } a_\tau = \tau {(g)}g^{-1}. \end{array} \tag{5.2.2} \end{equation}

The element a τ a_\tau centralizes γ 0 \gamma _0 and hence gives an element of the centralizer T T . Viewed as a function of τ Gal ( F ¯ / F ) \tau \in \operatorname {Gal}(\bar F/F) , a τ a_\tau satisfies the cocycle relation

τ 1 ( a τ 2 ) a τ 1 = a τ 1 τ 2 . \tau _1(a_{\tau _2})a_{\tau _1} = a_{\tau _1\tau _2}.

It is continuous in the sense that there exists a field extension F 1 / F F_1/F for which a τ = 1 a_\tau =1 , for all τ Gal ( F ¯ / F 1 ) \tau \in \operatorname {Gal}(\bar F/F_1) . Thus, a τ a_\tau gives a class in

H 1 ( Gal ( F ¯ / F ) , T ( F ¯ ) ) , H^1(\operatorname {Gal}(\bar F/F),T(\bar F)),

which is defined to be the group of all continuous cocycles with values in T T , modulo the subgroup of all continuous cocycles of the form

b τ = τ ( t ) t 1 , b_\tau = \tau (t)t^{-1},

for some t T ( F ¯ ) t\in T(\bar F) .

A general calculation of the group H 1 ( Gal ( F ¯ / F ) , T ) H^1(\operatorname {Gal}(\bar F/F),T) is achieved by the Tate-Nakayama isomorphism. Let F 1 / F F_1/F be a Galois extension that splits the Cartan subgroup T T .

Theorem 5.3

(Tate-Nakayama isomorphism [ 27]) The group H 1 ( Gal ( F ¯ / F ) , T ) H^1(\operatorname {Gal}(\bar F/F),T) is isomorphic to the quotient of the group

{ u X   |   τ Gal ( F 1 / F ) τ u = 0 } \{u \in X_*{\ \vert \ }\sum _{\tau \in \operatorname {Gal}(F_1/F)} \tau u = 0\}

by the subgroup generated by the set

{ u X   |   τ Gal ( F 1 / F )     v X .     u = τ v v } . \{u \in X_* {\ \vert \ }\exists \tau \in \operatorname {Gal}(F_1/F)\ \ \exists v \in X_*.\ \ u = \tau v - v\}.

Example 5.4

Let T = U E ( 1 ) T = U_E(1) (the torus that made an appearance earlier as an endoscopic group of S L ( 2 ) SL(2) ). As was shown above, the group of cocharacters can be identified with Z \mathbb {Z} . The splitting field of T T is the quadratic extension field E E . The nontrivial element τ Gal ( E / F ) \tau \in \operatorname {Gal}(E/F) acts by reflection on X Z X_*\cong \mathbb {Z} : τ ( u ) = u \tau (u) = -u . By the Tate-Nakayama isomorphism, the group H 1 ( Gal ( F ¯ / F ) , U E ( 1 ) ) H^1(\operatorname {Gal}(\bar F/F),U_E(1)) is isomorphic to

{ u Z   |   u + τ u = 0 } / { u Z   |   v .   u = τ v v } = Z / 2 Z . \{u\in \mathbb {Z} {\ \vert \ }u+\tau u = 0\}/\{u\in \mathbb {Z}{\ \vert \ }\exists v.\ u = \tau v - v\}=\mathbb {Z}/2\mathbb {Z}.

Let H H be an unramified endoscopic group of G G . Suppose that T H T_H is a Cartan subgroup of H H . Let T G T_G be an isomorphic Cartan subgroup in G G . The data defining H H includes the existence of an element s Hom ( X , C × ) s\in \operatorname {Hom}(X_*,\mathbb {C}^\times ) ; that is, a character of the abelian group X X_* . Fix one such character s s . We can restrict this character to get a character of

{ u X   |   τ Gal ( F 1 / F ) τ u = 0 } . \{u \in X_*{\ \vert \ }\sum _{\tau \in \operatorname {Gal}(F_1/F)} \tau u = 0\}.

It can be shown that the character s s is trivial on

{ u X   |   τ Gal ( F 1 / F )     v X .     u = τ v v } . \{u \in X_* {\ \vert \ }\exists \tau \in \operatorname {Gal}(F_1/F)\ \ \exists v \in X_*.\ \ u = \tau v - v\}.

Thus, by the Tate-Nakayama isomorphism, the character s s determines a character κ \kappa of the cohomology group

H 1 ( Gal ( F ¯ / F ) , T ) . H^1(\operatorname {Gal}(\bar F/F),T).

In this way, each cocycle a τ a_\tau gives a complex constant κ ( a τ ) C × \kappa (a_\tau )\in \mathbb {C}^\times .

Example 5.5

The element s C × s\in \mathbb {C}^\times giving the endoscopic group H = U E ( 1 ) H=U_E(1) of S L ( 2 ) SL(2) is s = 1 s=-1 , which may be identified with the character n ( 1 ) n n\mapsto (-1)^n of Z \mathbb {Z} . This gives the nontrivial character κ \kappa of

H 1 ( Gal ( F ¯ / F ) , U E ( 1 ) ) Z / 2 Z . H^1(\operatorname {Gal}(\bar F/F),U_E(1)) \cong \mathbb {Z}/2\mathbb {Z}.